Saturday, January 30, 2010

Recieving Creation

So I moved, and it is crazy living in a different place than I had been living for the entirety of my life previously. It rains more, the weather is cooler, and the city is beautiful. It amazes me that people live here and are used to the wonders of this place. I am still so captivated by it all.


  1. Yay!! A new blog post! I hope you are settling in and enjoying the new environment and school. Tell me some stories! You must have stories by now. Miss you!

    I await....

  2. Woah, you moved? Hope you like the new place and will make many memorable moments there =) Jesus loves you!

  3. Wow, I've lived in one place almost my whole life (save 6 months) and so has one of my best friends.
    I always wondered what it would be like.
    Do you wake up in the middle of the night and forget how many steps it is to the kitchen to get water? Or when you're going up the stairs, is there too few steps? Do you miss knowing every inch of your backyard?

    I wanted to say this before, but I think we would really be good friends if we knew each other in real life. I don't say that to everyone, fyi.

    It's just we seem to like the same books, and bands, and poetry, and you always seem to figure out where I'm quoting something from.

  4. Sorry I took so long to respond, I've been pretty busy... allot =P No, I don't know who wrote it. It could have been multiple people even. It was a camp song in the 60s or something but still pretty cool =) Yeah, it is encouraging. Last year I thought I was all alone, no one was similar or close to me and no one cared about GOD. I was distracted by allot of stuff but I think that phase has washed over now. I've found friends and they really help allot. Last year my Blogger friends were all I had. I was depressed allot because I had no one to really talk to. But now I'm able to see things differently and that's really helped allot. I still really like everyone on blogger cuse people aren't there for you all the time and everyone that I've been talking to are really awesome =) I'm really grateful to be your and others' friends =) I was also really into myself and just caring about what influence people had on me but now I kinda want to be a light for them. Not perfectly, not all or even most of the time but GOD is working in me and whenever I see that I feel so happy and delight in the knowledge of improvement and GOD's love. And He's still working in me and others. I'm really excited to see people who've acted like they've never known GOD start acting like they do. They're not perfect but anything is a reason to praise GOD =) Jesus loves you!


And out of the void a voice came.